Thursday, April 28, 2022

Potato Hot Dogs (감자핫도그 | gamjahatdogeu)

 Potato Hot Dogs (감자핫도그 | gamjahatdogeu)

The Gamja frank is the most famous Korean corn canine, traces all the way back to the 1990s, and has since been given a few names; Dokkebi, and that implies troll. Just yetnal, meaning older style, it was additionally named after a well known doll during the 1960s called Mandeukee.


3 computers of precooked franks (cut them down the middle)
mozzarella cheddar block (slice six sizes equivalent to the frank parts)
¼ cup of granulated sugar to utilized for coat
1 cup of panko breadcrumbs
oil for searing
3 sets of dispensable wooden chopsticks

For the player
2 cups of universally handy flour
3 tablespoons of granulated white sugar
½ teaspoon of fit salt
125 ml. cold milk
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 egg
1 enormous potato


Break the wooden chopsticks and slant the franks and the cheddar. Wipe them off and put them in an ice chest to keep the cold as you make the player. Cut the cheddar into blocks about the size of the wieners.
Place diced potatoes in a pot of cold water, bubble it and cook for two minutes. Channel them into a colander, flush with cold water and put it to the side to deplete.
Presently make the hitter. Utilizing a huge bowl, add flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Speed until the fixings mix equally. Add cold milk and the egg. Together whisk this large number of fixings until smooth (no bumps) to guarantee that the hitter is thick and tacky. This cycle takes around three to five minutes.
Empty the player into a portion container. Hold the sticks and plunge the franks, in a steady progression, ensure the hitter completely covers the wieners. Ensure your player covering isn't excessively thick since it will grow once your fry them, you can utilize your fingers to equitably spread the hitter or eliminate the overabundance hitter while the covering is excessively thick. To make dunking in the player more straightforward, you can utilize a profound tube shaped holder that will guarantee the wiener is completely plunged in the hitter.

Roll the franks (player covered) in the potato 3D squares putting a little strain so the shapes will stick. With the panko bread scraps in a baking container or on a different plate, roll the player covered wieners squeezing tenderly, and ensure that they are totally covered in panko. You can likewise sprinkle more panko to ensure they are totally covered.

Add oil into a profound griddle and ensure this oil is sufficiently profound to cover the sausage altogether once plunged in. Heat the oil to around 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Plunge the covered franks in the hot oil and cook on the two sides until the player is completely cooked and becomes a brilliant shade of brilliant brown. Scoop them from the hot oil utilizing a spatula or an opened spoon and put them on a wire rack for them to deplete.
Dust the broiled wieners with sugar, then, at that point, shower them with mustard and ketchup. Sugar is intended to upgrade pleasantness and crunchiness.

Potato Hot Dogs (감자핫도그 | gamjahatdogeu) VIDEO

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